Our members have an inner DRIVE to be good at what they do, to be self-directed and connected.

People join our network to: 

Connect and learn,

support and be supported

inspire and be inspired

to be human.

To build great relationships: 

Be curious,

ask why rather than what

say, “tell me more”

find the person, not just the business.

To help and be helped:

Help people just because you can,

not because you expect anything in return

not because of karma

just because you can.

Listen more than you talk, 

leave space

work on being interested, not interesting

make people comfortable

Have conversations instead of pitching, 

look for connections, not leads

share your network

ask how you can help

Ask for help, 

helping makes people feel good

ask them, let them,

and pay it forward with no expectation of anything in return.
