Martyn Sibley has been an influencer most of his life.

He has inspired people by the way he lives his life, by the way he treats other people and by his amazing energy, sunny disposition, and achievements.

Martyn desribes himself as “a regular guy who happens to have a disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). This means I cannot walk, lift anything heavier than a book or shower myself. Nonetheless I run Disability Horizons, am the author of ‘Everything is Possible‘, I have a Degree in Economics & a Masters in Marketing. I love adventure travels (including an epic visit to Australia), I have great people in my life (including my soul mate), I drive my own adapted car, run my own business, have flown a plane, enjoyed skiing & SCUBA diving, and live independently on earth.” He is also the very happy owner of a Golden Labrador called Sunny.

Just to meet Martyn is to feel inspired, happy, and joyful but he has a very serious mission: to make the world a truly inclusive place. This year – just about the time the lockdown started – Martyn launched Purple Goat, a marketing agency to help brands understand the needs and wants of the disabled community.

In this workshop, Martyn explains how he used the principles of Influencer Marketing to power his dream, and how you can use the same principles to power yours!

What you’ll take away from this workshop:
– create content that your audience engage more with
– amplify your brand to your exact target audience
– get a better ROI from your marketing spend
– support freelancers and small businesses (Influencers aren’t actually rich and famous and self promoting – they have a mission just like you)