Charlie Ashley Roberts came along to a Drive meeting back in 2017 and said, “I’m in!”

Charlie recognised straight away that our values were aligned, and she’s been an enthusiastic member ever since, running small group meetings in St Neots, UK, where she lives, as well as taking part in other Drive activities and her local community.

After she was made redundant from her role as a pharmaceutical scientist at 3M Charlie trained as a careers advisor and joined the Royal Society of Chemistry, looking after their graduate training programme and then leading the RSC Careers Service. She then launched her own careers coaching business Your Time to Grow. She specialises in supporting women who are in or aspiring to leadership roles who may be feeling lost in their career.

Charlie’s coaching may be career focused but she is also a huge support to everyone in Drive, sharing coaching programmes that help our members make sense of everyday challenges. Her newsletter, podcasts and YouTube videos  are all aimed at helping as many people as possible.

We’re all in awe of how much she accomplishes with a busy family life, seemingly effortless multi-tasking and still finding time for vegan baking and an impressive running schedule!

There’s an old saying about busy people always getting things done and it’s certainly true of Charlie. She’s never too busy to help others!