Have you got your messaging right?

Whether it’s a simple answer to “What do you do?”, a value statement, tagline, strapline, boilerplate or website home page, we need to get our message across in as few words as possible and in a way that makes people want to know more.

J Laurence Sarno took our members through this exercise by asking them to answer these three questions:

1. Who is your client and what do they need?
e.g., Technology start-ups who are launching a company, product, or service or who are re-positioning their existing business and need highly targeted communications.

2. What do you do that fulfils this need?
e.g., I use market research to help discover their ideal customer, then write all the communications that will attract that customer, from basic market positioning; to website, blog and social media content; to press materials and sales decks.

3. How do you do it?
e.g., I can work with clients right from market research through to product launch, or only on specific parts of the process.

These basic messages can be the foundation of all your marketing content and everything you say about what you do.

  • The common experience of our members was too many ideas about how to answer the three questions, and looking for ways to pare the message down. Laurence has offered Drive members a free 1-1 to get the essential messages right.
  • An insight that emerged in more than one conversation was about authenticity and using your communications to first create trust.
  • An important point is the 10-second rule for a website home page. In 10 seconds, the visitor should be able to know:
    What does this company do?
    Am I their target market?
    What will be the benefit to me?
    Plus, a call to action.

Messaging Workbook

Laurence has made his workbook available in the pdf below:

Messaging Workbook 30 March 2023 (1)


If you’d like help with your messaging, market research or any other marketing messages, get in touch with Laurence at: River Otter  Communications.